A New Project
Soon after (the same day actually as our hand in of all our work) we were set the brief to design the Degree Show poster for the entire University Show. These sorts of projects are never easy as somehow you need to visually represent the entire school covering Graphic Design to Fine Art Painting. I wanted to work in a group and so asked Danny and Andy in my class who agreed so the fun started! It was such a great project I found two people that I really loved working with, plus we all had different skills and opinions which made for a great balance when it came to ideas and then later design. We wanted to look at the idea of making a 3D poster, as we are people with depth and a 2D poster just doesn't do us justice. So we started the research looking in to 3d type from loads of beautiful old books in the library, we took loads of photocopies and then did it all the old fashioned way laying all of the letters on the floor and arranging them into a composition we liked combining lots of typefaces and shapes. This was looking really great but we needed to make it all cohesive so after a while stuck to just a couple of typefaces and the title 'Flat Out' which means at full speed, with maximum effort, absolute, thorough and definite. This sums up beautifully how we as a university work, striving to be the best we can in the fields we specialize in. We did not end up winning but we came runners up and we are all really proud of what we have achieved and are excited to make it perfect for our portfolios. Danny and Andy are amazing guys and graphic designers so Im just so glad I got to work with them. Enjoy looking through the pics of the development of the design, pics of 'behind the scenes' to come soon.
19 hours ago
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